Direct Rewards - Frequently Asked Questions
What is Direct Rewards?
Direct Rewards is a loyalty program that allows you to earn points when you shop on www.proplanvetdirect.com. Then, you can redeem those points for money off a future purchase.
How can I join?
Enrolling in Direct Rewards is easy and free! Simply opt in when you register for Vet Direct. If you already have an account on Vet Direct, simply go to My Account > My Rewards and opt in.
What items are excluded from Direct Rewards?
None! All items available on Vet Direct are eligible for reward points.
Can the program be modified or terminated?
Yes. We may change the Direct Rewards terms or cancel the program entirely at any time, in our sole discretion. Click here for full terms and conditions.
Who can I contact if I am having trouble with my account?
Please contact us here.
How do I earn Rewards Points?
It’s easy — once opted into Direct Rewards, just shop as normal. You’ll accrue 10 points for every $1 you spend on purchases (for example, $100 spent = 1,000 points = $3 for use on future purchases).
How do I redeem points?
If you have points to redeem, you’ll see them in My Account > My Rewards. You can redeem your reward points during checkout and combine points and another form of payment for purchase (if you don't have enough points to pay for the entire order). Points will only be earned on future purchases after program opt in.
Where can I see my Rewards History?
You can find your Rewards History in My Account > My Rewards.
Will my points ever expire?
Points are valid for 12 months from the date they were earned. You can check out Point expiration dates on My Account > My Rewards.